We got invitation from Sengakang CC to participate in the demonstration of the game of Cricket.
We will meet at 8.00 am on 24 July 10 at Sengkang CC and will report at the location by 8.30am latest for set up. The event will start officially at 9am. As for the demo, we need to encourage residents to take part in Cricket.
Residents are distributed with a small slip of paper. They will be going around to try out the Cricket and other sports. At the completion of each sports, they will be given a chop on the piece of paper. Once completed, they can exchange the slip of paper for a free gift. As an appreciation for the cricket team, we will be presenting a token of appreciation through our GOH, DPM Teo Chee Hean at about 10.20am on stage at the main tentage area.